meeting at 2 p.m.: MUST BLOG NOW

friday! check out some www.toothpastefordinner.com comics that made me laugh. the top one might be slightly representative of my life.
additional friday funny:
Karl and my email conversation regarding lunch today (because he forgot his):
kat: oh no!
karl: it's ok, i won't wither away and die for at least another 20 minutes.
kat: you might.
(20 minutes later)
karl: well, i almost died. I had to crawl to subway and they just stuffed turkey in my mouth until I had enough energy to stand.
Posted by
11:16 AM
would you like to swing on a star?

I am working on my website (yea karl has done like 800 and I have done one but I am still proud!)
I can't believe it is Thursday already. Not sure where this month went!
send some love to jackie and her bar exam FINALE and Lauryl&Samuel's impending move to LA LA land. congrats to john and leslie for being moved in and leah for having a housewarming this weekend... um... welcome home su from your eight year long trip to florida... and mike and audra from the honeymoon... mom and dad have power FINALLY... my sister starts her job on monday... kristy and elizabeth our teacher friends are going back to work (HAHAHAHAH! no more summer of fun for you!) chandle is here soon and starting the clinton school... matt and lindsey are pregnant... karl's parents made it back from their cross country road trip (with a new car!) blake is coming to the rock soon... jennifer lenore is going to IRELAND next week... eric and emily got a puppy... our one year anniversary is exactly one month away! karl has some more websites... i worked out yesterday.. we might go on vacation soon... we are having a seven year itch party to celebrate friendship. no one is getting married till October! lots of things happening. and no slowing down in sight. must. keep. moving.
karl and i want to start a map with little pins (like in the MOVIES) that point out where all our friends live since we are all spreading out! maybe little flags with names on them. don't think i won't do it.
Posted by
7:58 AM
breaking news...
Posted by
8:35 PM

momma this is what happens when you let your babies go to the electric cowboy... yikes!!!! our friend "miguel" made it into i'm going to say 40 of the 85 pictures we took. more pictures soon...
the weekend was fun... relaxing... i actually stayed out till 4 in the morning at the electric cowboy saturday night! we were dancing fools... it was hilarious. that place is hysterical. hysterical.
we also made it to a bbq at karl's dads and laid around alot. it is kind of nice to not work on the weekends anymore!
Posted by
8:28 PM
send thoughts and love...
aparantly my parents lost some siding on their house and the tree in the backyard is not doing so hot. (as in its all over the yard).
they are pretty pissy. my cousin bridget said that all the grocery store's food was rotted around there and they were selling water for cash only and that it was a big mother loving MESS. she said the line at burger king (the only fast food around them that was open) was like a two hour wait. never thought the BK Lounge would sound so good!
that storm was ridiculous. send love and thoughts their way. they aren't supposed to get power back till next Wednesday. next. wednesday.
Posted by
1:00 PM
ok ya'll...
well our internet has been down at work ALL day!! no blogging, no gmail chats... how am i supposed to survive? =)
so...the wedding. everyone wants to know about the wedding. it was great fun... audra's dad was out on the dance floor all night... he said "the old howard is back!" now that his babies are all grown up... it was so great to see lots of people in one place... and my parents were there!
so my pictures aren't the best. i am not going to lie. i will share some when i can but for now check out audra's AMAZING photographer Crystal's pics (well a few) at www.crystalgoss.blogspot.com. Girl is a trouper - she had to go to the hospital afterwards but believe you me that girl was down on the dance floor taking shots. (pictures). I believe more will be on pictage soon like mine were....
work is BUSY!
Posted by
2:50 PM
the itchy & scratchy shooow...
so we used to talk about boys and bras and classes/professors and twizzlers and drinking (drunk dinner in the cafeteria anyone?) and the thong song and swallowing live goldfish at parties... and many other frat parties and functions... late night fast food runs and the dreaded freshman 15...
and now we talk about...
husbands and dogs and mortgages and paying back student loans and jobs and recipes and promotions and weddings and showers and babies and eating healthy and working out and family and cooking and cleaning products!!
SO WHAT!?!!?
we aren't OLD YET! Brooke and I (and many others!) are throwing a party in celebration of SEVEN years of friendship this August. (she was the funky artsy girl, i was the snot with the tongue ring!) so we designed/planned this....
Click HERE to see invite!!
I told her she couldn't get that 7 year itch and go getting all new friends and drop me! Theme: ALL THINGS ITCHY! We are either really creative and fun OR certifiably insane. Any decoration ideas?
Posted by
2:31 PM
The BORING (loved every boring minute) weekend:
Let’s see….
- Friday we lounged, went to dinner with Mimi, watched Arkansas Business play softball, and had an enjoyable evening with the Mulhearns and a 30 pack. ;)
- Saturday we SLEPT IN. I am happy to say I did not get out of bed until NOON! NOON o’clock people! Amazing. Then I got up and made us French toast and bacon… and watched cartoons. What is it that is SO wonderful about reverting back to childhood?
- Saturday evening we STAYED HOME. (I must capitalize these foreign concepts like sleeping in and staying home). We were going to see a movie but it was sold out so we did some more of the hanging and the outing in our semi-clean casa.
- Sunday we had a neighborhood block party… beer and kids and neighbors and volleyball. Mucho fun. My job was salad and I got some random recipe off the internet that was so easy and good that I am sharing it with you. It was delish. The only trouble I had with it was the mango… who knows how to cut one of those things? I slaughtered it so I kind of wound up squeezing the mango juice and some odd shaped mango pieces instead of peeled and cubed… very messy but no worries:
· 1/2 cup sugar
· 3/4 cup canola oil
· 1 teaspoon salt
· 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
· 8 cups mixed salad greens (i used 1/2 spinach and 1/2 field greens...came premixed)
· 2 cups sweetened dried cranberries *(note: often called Craisins in store!)
· 1/2 pound fresh strawberries, quartered
· 1 mango - peeled, seeded and cubed
· 1/2 cup chopped onion
· 1 cup slivered almonds
1. Place the sugar, oil, salt, and vinegar in a jar with a lid. Seal jar, and shake vigorously to mix.
2. In a large bowl, mix salad greens, sweetened dried cranberries, strawberries, mango, and onion. To serve, toss with dressing and sprinkle with almonds.
Boo. Hiss. Monday = back to work. Why does lunch time go so fast?
Posted by
10:59 AM
happy 2-5 to ms. mere mere kuka bear. maybe someday we will meet again my gypsy friend! (see you in august!!!) this girl is the funnest. ever. fun. nest.
Posted by
8:52 PM
all eyez on me.
karl matt and john singing some tupac. somehow that isn't hart to imagine is it now?
the three boys plus leslie and myself watched the Little Rock fireworks from the 17th floor of the Stephens building (karl's floor). I must admit it was pretty cool! Then we went and threw snap pops at each other and sparkled some sparklers. much safer than the bottle rocket wars of olden days, eh?
Posted by
8:27 PM
the lottery sucks.
road trip: part 2: kansas city!
sunday jenny brooke and i went to kc and hung out with caitlin and eric for a bit. good road trip!
we played the lottery and lost. (weird side note: anyone remember that movie called the lottery with keri russell where she gets stoned to death in like the 90's? oh, felicity, that was MESSED UP!)
Posted by
8:04 PM
fourth of july: a photo montage
mike & melissa ortega at the town pump HH on friday... we got to hear lots of cute baby stories. i really need to meet little tripp! a wonderful evening to kick off a busy fourth weekend!
Posted by
7:54 PM