
the lottery sucks.

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road trip: part 2: kansas city!

sunday jenny brooke and i went to kc and hung out with caitlin and eric for a bit. good road trip!

we played the lottery and lost. (weird side note: anyone remember that movie called the lottery with keri russell where she gets stoned to death in like the 90's? oh, felicity, that was MESSED UP!)


Anonymous said...

hey i won TWO DOLLARS and you won one. so that means we LOST zero dollars! :D

Elizabeth Spann said...

I've never done the lottery before. Dang Arkansas conservatives. Ha, ha. I do NOT remember that Felicity movie. But now I'm intrigued...

Sarah said...

i wish i could win the lottery big time. who doesn't?

matt and i would totally never work again.

Anonymous said...

yeah......i totally remember that movie..it was a lifetime one. i kind of liked it..i mean i wish there was some people in my neighborhood who would choose the wrong stone and get it.....

Susan said...

I havne't seen it, but from what you say, I'm guessing it's based off a short story by Shirley Jackson. I remember reading it in American Lit in high school.
At first, when you said "stoned" I thought of the other meaning of the word.