remain on south outer 40.
Posted by
8:39 PM
Labels: free beer, laughter, st. louis, vampire teeth
Game 5. Game 5. Game 5.
The part that makes me nervous about this whole thing is that I will be driving (karl will be driving actually because 1) i suck at driving and 2) i will be way too excited to drive if the game is on and i might run us off the road. ANYWAY, I will be on my way to St. Louis (where the aforementioned game is being played) and that just seems unfair. I mean, I could be like an hour away from the city in like Festus, Missouri and the whole city of STL could errupt in joyful celebration and I just wouldn't be there. So close yet so far away. Can't you just feel the injustice of that? I know I can listen to it on the radio but I would rather watch it on the TV or better yet in person or at least in a Sports bar where there are other Cardinal fans. Boo.
Posted by
10:31 AM
Labels: baseball, cardinals, get me out of here
this rain is making me nasty!
My friend Megan emailed me this AWESOME t-shirt they are selling in STL in honor of the Series and my parents scored me one when they went to game 3! I can't wait to get there and wear it! Isn't it awesome? Awesome. My favorite word to describe the Cardinals and all paraphenallia associated with them. Not Awesome? Game 4 getting rained OUT last night. Silly storms.
Game 4 folks. We have made it to Thursday. On a work note, our last convention of "convention season" is TODAY!! Our company has done 14 major events since August 1. I never want to look at another Catering Contract AGAIN! Interesting fact of the day: 1 gallon of Orange Juice at the Peabody is $55 dollars. With tax and gratuity it comes to $74.64. Think about THAT next time you drink some innocent orange juice at a convention/meeting!
Fredbird says: "beat those tigers! (kittys)"
Posted by
5:36 AM
green envy.

green green i love green. I will share updated pics when this green room is completed. I must say I am a big fan thus far. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We didn't have much going on and it was kind of fabulous. The Cardinals won game ONE of the World Series and are currently down by 3 in the bottom of the 6th this evening. boo. Not looking good - It is too cold in Detroit for the St. Louisians. Getting excited for this upcoming weekend already - Going to STL for the Whaley Wedding! Going to make the week seem long! Can't wait to see my parents new house with furniture in it and painted walls.
Posted by
7:22 PM
Things that make me happy.
The STL Cardinals. 3-2. One more game! One more game! Here is the FUN espn article from this AM. World Series HERE WE COME.
Movie night on Friday night (despite the fact that is only Wednesday!) Any recommendations for renters/theater must-sees?
Things that make me sad
Not being BUSY enough. I need a new project to motivate me. Oh wait I already have like 80 lists/projects going and no desire to finish them.
My sickly husband. Send him some GET BETTER thoughts!
Posted by
10:46 AM
franks and fires.
we had a blazing fire all night long and some hot dogs PLUMP and JUICY. we even had some christmas lights. must do girl camping again soon.
Posted by
10:32 AM
selves portrait.
camping = success! we had a fabulous time at maumelle park - so far from home. (like maybe 10 minutes) the weather was puuuurfect (cept for the rain the next morning!) but we set up our tents and made food and fire like pros. just reinforces my desire to be on SURVIVOR! (if only survivor had beer available at all times. beer and sonic breakfast. do you hear that CBS?!)
Posted by
10:19 AM
i loooooooove tshirts.
- today is wed.nes.day.
- my lunch is gross and i don't want to eat it.
- i promise my updates will get more interesting soon and apologize if you are bored (ok not really apologizing)
- karl is going to Fayetteville this weekend to CALL THE HOGS in person. Homecoming weekend in Fayetteville.
- i intend to go camping with the girls instead. gIrL camping.
- (www.marriedtothesea.com has made me VERY happy and laughy (out loud) in the past week. i am printing them out and making wallpaper with them for my fridge. thank you drew and natalie for keeping me sane and smiley.
le sigh. back to work. karl helped me give the USGBC website a fresh new look! www.usgbcar.org. that also makes me happy and now i am going to add new events to the site.
Posted by
10:33 AM
no more ghost riding the whip kiddos.

so this picture doesn't really SAY what i want it to say b/c it is all shadow-ey and you can't really see. so that sucks. guess you will just have to come over and see them for yourself. but karl and i painted our door frame and shutters (oh. the. excitement.) BROWN! (they were green. (hunter, forest, dark, ugly!)).
weekend recap: nothing. we pretty much did nothing! Watched the Razorbacks beat Auburn at Eric and Em's. Watched OU get beat by TX. Watched the Cardinals clinch. clinch it. (on to play the Metty Mets of NY for the NLCS. Starts Wednesday!) Watched the Amazing Race. Ran. Ate. Um. Slept. Nothing much to report folks. All is quiet on the western front (southern?).
happy monday lunch break!

Posted by
9:29 AM
i can't get this COMIC out of my head.
Why is it so funny? Maybe it is that song... ghost ride the whip... is that a song or just one karl made up after seeing ghost riding the whip on the morning show? is it a song??!?!??! and who decided it should be called ghost riding? am i crazy?
(comic courtesy of www.marriedtothesea.com)
Posted by
2:46 PM
10/4 over and out
Things (Forewarning: HIGHLY self-absorbed nonsense post ahead!)
- We currently have a hole in our wall in our bedroom *between the bedroom and the bathroom* where we had to have someone come fix our bathroom (leaking pipe leaking water in our wall). It is kind of sad to walk into my lovely bedroom and see a GAPING hole.
- 92 degrees yesterday = happy girl!
- I have rediscovered my obsession with Naked Juice. (www.nakedjuice.com). Totally a meal. And quite delicious. No added sugar. 1 pound of fruit in each one! Different “families” of juices to target different things. Yum!
- I might have a new TV show. Discovery Atlas. (www.discoveryatlas.com). Very good. Basically about life in other countries – the premier was about China. I want to go to China. I don’t need another TV show! (And I am considering dropping the “unprecedented” 11th season of 7th Heaven because it is not that wonderful but somehow I am still HANGING ON!) Must. Curb. TV. Addiction.
- This week feels long. I hate to wish time away but I sure wish it was the weekend!
Hopefully someone blogs something more interesting than THIS today!
Posted by
6:53 AM
harvest fest to fountain of youth.

saturday night at the fountain! we had a pretty great weekend - nothing to complain about! we stayed in Friday so we could run Saturday. Pretty sure the BIG DAM BRIDGE was shaking and rocking and swaying under the weight of 1,000 plus runners and pretty sure it was PRETTY DAM SCARY especially considering this was the bridge's inagural event and had not been tested before with that much weight (to my knowledge anyway)! But the bridge didn't collapse and Karl and I both finished the race! (Some of us before others...the before person NOT being me. must. get. in. gear. Running with extra body weight slooooooows me down!) after the race we ate lots (food never tastes better when your tummy is so empty. i love post-run eats!) and napped and headed down to hilcrest for the harvest fest (which was not really a festival but more of a glorified block party). It was good though and we hit the fountain before calling it a night! Now I am in my normal Sunday-evening-anxious mood thinking about the loooooong week ahead!
Posted by
5:02 PM