no more ghost riding the whip kiddos.

so this picture doesn't really SAY what i want it to say b/c it is all shadow-ey and you can't really see. so that sucks. guess you will just have to come over and see them for yourself. but karl and i painted our door frame and shutters (oh. the. excitement.) BROWN! (they were green. (hunter, forest, dark, ugly!)).
weekend recap: nothing. we pretty much did nothing! Watched the Razorbacks beat Auburn at Eric and Em's. Watched OU get beat by TX. Watched the Cardinals clinch. clinch it. (on to play the Metty Mets of NY for the NLCS. Starts Wednesday!) Watched the Amazing Race. Ran. Ate. Um. Slept. Nothing much to report folks. All is quiet on the western front (southern?).
happy monday lunch break!

i like it. is it bad that i never noticed the color before. i bet i will notice a difference in person.
It looks great! Way to go, friend!
missed you on sunday. damgoode just wasn't the same. :( see you next time, yeah?
yay brown! best color EVER! looks really really good- wish i could see it in person, tho.
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