When I make coooooool tshirts for a living this is going to be my first one (or a variation of this - maybe different pants but this is the first image i found and i don't have time to play) because I would totally wear it today. I think when you have a great weekend you are destined to have an exhausted, crappy, don’t-want-to-do-anything kind of Monday back in the office.
On a whim (on Friday afternoon at about 2) I decided to go to Tulsa for the weekend to celebrate Jennifer Lenore Barrow’s engagement and see Ms. Sarah Jane who was also in T-town. I haven’t driven that far (not too far really – 4ish hours) alone in a long time. Just served as a reminder about how crappy a driver I am! Especially in the darkness. I hate hate hate driving – I used to do it ALL the time: Tulsa to STL to LR and all through college and when Karl and I were dating b/w STL and LR. I really think I used to be a much better driver than I am now. I don’t get in accidents; I just don’t like it and I think everyone is going to hit me so I swerve around quite a bit.. it’s fun. But now I am taking a stand. Just say no to driving. So we will try to go back to letting Karl do all the driving and me do all the navigating - oh WAIT A MINUTE I suck at that too. All the cities and streets get confused in my head… and don’t tell me to think about what direction some damn river is because I have NO FREAKING CLUE. Some people are just directionally challenged. I think bad driving and directionally challenged people run on both sides of my family and the culmination of the worst of the worst all got passed to me. Oh, well, my talents lie elsewhere. The important thing was I made it there and back and managed to have a fabulous time in between.
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend like I did and maybe you aren’t as crabby pants as me on this chilly Monday! We wrapped it up and tied it in a bow last night with a delicious dinner with Susan and Seth last night at their place – Su’s belly is just starting to pop a little bit. We looked at a fun, hippy 70’s book on birthing and pregnancy – it was a tiny bit frightening. Though I am sure the 70s were awesome, I am glad we have things like bras and eyebrow waxing.
sell you T-shirt to the gap...however i want one before they are $19.99
i highly enjoy the lavender color you've chosen here.
I am often crabby pants, too. So don't worry, Kat.
PS, the river trick works. :)
what is boodissy?
this made me laugh. let me know when you make tshirts, I'll buy one. :)
A hippy baby...lol no tattoos please ;)
That 70s book taught us a lot through pictures...like men must have milk and cookies after procreation...men are good sleepers, etc. :) Enjoyed having ya'll. I'm holding your wine ransom til we do it again. You know it's safe. :p
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