february is over and the blogosphere is joyous!

i must say i am happy to have fellow feb haters out there - it almost makes the month not so bad (with our common complaint bond and all!) oh and, plus, nothing shitty happened this year.
there are several things i would like to accomplish with this blog:
1. wish my sister a happy belated birthday. 2-3 old lady. say goodbye to 22. everyone's favorite age. see above picture of the hotness and brookey brooke (also the hotness).
2. show you this cute shower invite for the Su and the Seth and the impending baby mulhearn. (I have had several RSVP calls and emails so I assume everyone has gotten their invites so i feel okay sharing now) i must say they are cuter on the computer than printed. i still have issues with kinkos and printing. it's much easier to make graphics web ready than professional print ready. sigh. someday. karl helped me and i am very proud of this little guy. p.s. i also blurred out the location for blogging purposes. in case we have stalkers which i highly doubt but people always yell at me for putting too much personal info out there! i mean, really, even if i did have a stalker would they really want to come to a couple's baby shower? Doesn't exactly sound like a stalker's ideal saturday.
3. Send a special shout out to my friend Mark J. Friedman and his precious daughter "Little Sarah" who is getting to be NOT SO LITTLE anymore. Karl and I saw them Sunday at the good ole Purple Cow....mmmmmm.....purple milkshakes and violet cows everywhere!! Mark and I worked together at Arkansas Business and little sarah and i liked to hang out and color when she came to visit her daddy-o at work (well she colored while i worked and passed the requested highlighters over and then we cut her little pictures out and pasted them to our office lockers). you might recognize her stories from Little Rock Family (and THIS ONE is for sure true - her teeth are all wiggly and kittykattywampus!)
4. welcome you to march, the month of working out. DO IT. NO EXCUSE. Walking Club starts Wednesdays at 5:30. Today was the first SUCCESSFUL day. If you are interested in walking and live in the LR, email me for details. If not, I'll be at gym in ALL MY SPARE TIME. i don't diet. i over exercise.
5. i don't normally share forwards on the bloggity but THIS (especially funny credit from melissa p. haney) and THIS (if you like Dirty Dancing; find credit to ebeth) are really fun.
off to watch karl's kiddos play basketball with their favorite COACH (yea, we're pretty sure they don't know his real name. why learn when coach'll do the trick!)
get up, get up, it's the first of the month. wake up, wake up. :) 23 is NOT old you skank. it's when life really begins... right?... xox
The invitations are precious!!! And hey it's March YAY
Did I mention I heart the invites...only 37847744 times? Well consider this one more!
That Dirty Dancing clip cracked me up. I emailed Mary to tell her there's still time for she and Brian to put something together for the big day! hehe...
Hooray for posting that fun clip! I can only dream of being that cool....
Yeah, us for exercising.
Happy March! I remember a time when we were OB-SESSED with Dirty Dancing. But wow, I think we really failed in demonstrating our devotion. I am at a loss. We must step up! I think you should write a sonnet and consider how much you feel about Karl!
PS, tell Karl thanks for hurting my student's arm.... now he can't write. THANKS A LOT, coach! :)
Thanks for the shout out. Little Sarah says thanks too.
Now, it's time to come back here.
Remember softball season is starting soon.
Good luck to karl Sunday
My life is spiraling downhill...i think i now have arthritis...
p.s. no one likes you when your 23
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