Well! Now that everything is out in the open about my leaving and taking another job, I am inclined to BLOG AT WORK! Shhh! I guess they could fire me! I wouldn’t mind *(yes I would), but time seems to be going very slowly since I informed them I was leaving. I don’t think they are too happy but they did absolutely nothing to try and keep me around. I have some post-conference stuff to work on and tomorrow I am working our USGBC Arkansas booth at the Arkansas Earth Day Festival. It will be my last USGBC activity (well, non volunteer I guess!) I really don’t even want to come in at all next week. Not one little bit. What if I just didn’t? Sigh. I will, I will. I'm going to miss working with my usgbc arkansas chapter clients very, very much. i am quite upset about it actually. i enjoy their cause and working with them very, very much. very, very. that group makes me questions EVERYTHING about my decision! ugh. ugh. ugh. if only i could have them all for my own!
so, on a happier note, i found this awesome site, www.onegoodbumblebee.com, and ordered these vintage owl patches that i have pictured above. i don't know exactly what i am going to do with them yet, but I do know I could not live without them. check this site out - there are vintage holly hobbie necklaces! you might not be able to resist!
That is just too much fun. Put them on the back pocket of your jeans- old school. I used to have the sticky-back ones that you just put on there. I think I had hearts and a unicorn.
Those would be cute on a baby onesie.... or something.
holy ballz and titties those are fucking cute. seriously.
love the owl patches. love. owls rock and roll.
next week is going to seem like the longest of your life... but you'll survive, i know you will.
i am really relieved that you have not started your new job yet... cause the other night when we got off the phone i felt like the biggest jerk! I DID NOT ASK YOU ABOUT YOUR JOB!!!!!!
happy weekend lover.
ooooooh!! i LOVE the owls. you might not know this, but i am ADDICTED to all things textile and/or vintage. i can't wait to check out the site (although my pocket book is shaking in fear)! let me know what becomes of your owls...
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