we are family

my aunt and my mom both celebrate bdays (aunt jayne was yesterday and mom is tomorrow!). cousin jake and his wife jenny found out they are having a BOY! cousin bridget finds out the sex of her baby next week. sister jen got a bonus at work and baby is coming to little rock in june! i think that is all the news and i feel removed from it and sad about it. especially since karl has been in chicago ALL WEEK. i want to go to yankee-land.
BUT on a positive note, karl got an earlier flight back and will now be arriving at 5 p.m. instead of 10 p.m. so i am very happy about that! AND we have a three day weekend so it's time to go to work around the house! riverfest (musical festival) is here this weekend with lots of musical guests (pat benatar! george clinton & the p funk allstars! ll cool j! blake shelton! um... some other randoms... smashmouth... UM. Ruben Studard. none that sound that appealing to me. when did i lose my love of outdoor concerts and festivals? Probably when i started drinking beer and having to use port a pottys - does that make me old?!? plus, the last time i went to a concert in Arkansas, i was a bit shocked by the sheer force of rednecks AND they sold spit cups for 50 cents. oh AND the child - yes, child - next to me puked in his beer cup. and my ears were assulted by hey ya'lls and yee haws! tee hee. :)
i took that yankee/dixie quiz and i am pureblood dixie. that's right. i call other people's parents mom and dad. : )
what did you expect, living in arkansas? your husband and my sister's husband should get together. yes, i actually have a brother-in-law who likes to go shoot bambi & friends. you people. it's a damn shame. ;)
my best wishes to your family.... and all my love to them.
any hills or horans--related to either you or your karl need to be here and healthy.
love love love love
You should have emailed me that Karl was in Chicago! We could have hung out. I need FRIENDS :) I hope he had fun while he was here. Post pics if he has some.
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