making girls CRY is my forte.

i am looking at our funny recreation of college pictures that we took on TU's campus. and i just have to admit that we look, um, grown up. and by grown up i don't mean OLD but i do mean older. i am facing it. we look older. but i don't FEEL like we look older. is this making sense? i don't look at my friends and see an older person where i used to see a little 18 year old. or do i? and for some reason 18 seems really young right now to just ship your kids off to college! HA. i bet mike and linda get a kick out of that line!
thank god people will still card me (ask me for ID) until I'm at least 50. (and i almost typed 30 there and then freaked OUT a bit b/c, well, that is not so far away!)
the end.