
naval orange please.

here is my bebe fruit this week. a naval orange. yuck0. we had a lovely weekend filled with FOOOOD and friends. we got to hang with john and leslie for a bit and had a ball (per usual) played 'loaded questions' (it is a good thing the baby can't hear anything b/c we got pretty rowdy. earmuffs.). i made kristen go to ihop with me (even though she had just eaten) where i proceeded to eat a hamburger, french fries, coke, and a short stack of pancakes with maple syrup. (i made her order the pancakes!) It was not so much a craving as just not really normal. :) i have not experienced any dramatic cravings - i am more on the food aversion train. i haven't eaten mexican food since we got back from mexico. the thought of guacamole makes me want to vomit. like, i honestly could not force myself to put a tortilla with lettuce and meat on it in my mouth. i am getting icky tummy just typing this. it is very bizarre (i really can NOT do it; even if you gave me money!) as i love mexican food. (i can't even eat cheese dip people!!)

things on the agenda this week:
  • my eval with my boss. :)
  • karl's eval with his boss :) (hopefully we will both be richer at the end of the week)
  • doctor's appointment on friday
everyone please go say HELLO to bridget on her new blog! YIPPY. aren't they all STINKIN' adorable!?!?

15 weeks, 3 days


Stacia said...

Oh baby you are sure growing.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so when I was preggo with Katherine I hated mexican food (and its my favorite cuisine)!!!
I could not even stand the smell of it!
But as soon as I had her, I was like bring on the cheese dip, enchiladas, etc.......

melissa said...

tell karl that if he's buying i'll go eat some mexican food. also he has to drive because i will want to do the drinking. : )
kiss that belly for me. love love.

Lauryl Lane said...

hehe, will you promise me that you'll use "earmuffs" frequently when the baby comes out? please??? ;)

the day's said...

i soooooo feel for you. except for me it was peppers...green, red, whatever!! ohhhhh i STILL feel ill will towards those damn things! glad to see all it going well otherwise...hang in there...oh btw, time to put down the crack pipe...it's making you nuts 'cause you look GREAT!

Sarah said...

i like naval oranges more than lemons. horray.

Susan said...

What's loaded questions? Tell me more. Let's play Saturday. We still on?

Anonymous said...

Love me some loaded questions and mexican food!!! I want to do both right now, so stop talking about it. :)

Elizabeth Spann said...

I hope you can return to the world of cheesedip one day, my friend. :D It misses you.

Jennifer said...

ahhh ono is getting soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big!!!