skull and crossbones, cardinal and straw

i would like to make a confession. 1. ultrasound pictures kind of freak me out (this is still true even after this morning) 2. i may or may not have been weirded out by seeing your personal US alien pics. 3. i am sorry. ish.
i was dead set on not showing anyone the pics or posting them on the bloggity. i mean, they really are somewhat freaky, right? (am i crazy!? i mean the whole 'growing another human being in your body' concept is a little freaky itself, so actually SEEING it should be too, right?! make fun of me at your own will.) ANYWAY, i was fully prepared to keep them to myself. AND what did i do all day? Oh yea, I walked around my office clutching the little scraps of paper to me, and dreamily accosting all the people that don't know (which is pretty much the whole office as i just told my boss yesterday) that "I HAVE A PICTURE TO SHOW YOU" and then forcing them to study the US pics and say things like "adorable. congrats." and what not. like yes, a skull and the outline of some bones and a spinal cord is just the cutest thing and a sure indicator of how adorable my child will be. and i won't apologize for it. it was super fun to share. (i do admit it!)
(this may be a longish post). karl and i had a great ultrasound this morning. i was so nervous and anxious. (i have severe test anxiety - no matter the test. i attribute it to attending a competitive all-girls school. ah, high school. i thank you for so many things!) ANYWAY, i didn't sleep much/well with all the excitement.
the doc asked that i try to go in with a full bladder so i chugged a bunch a water before hand. thankfully, we didn't have to wait long as i have the worldest most ridiculously sized bladder. i still paced around the exam room while karl begged me to sit down and relax. i asked him if he was nervous and/or anxious and he said 'no i am sure the baby will be waving at us in just a few minutes'. ARGH - i have no idea how he was so calm. it kinda pissed me off. but, thankfully, he was SOOOOOO right.
OH AND we told the doc we for sure did not want to know the sex.
doc said everything measured and looked great. he is very no-nonsense which i appreciate since me no likey the doctors office. it was very matter-o-fact. big sigh of relief. so far i am three for three on puking the morning of my doctor's appointments. ah good luck vomit. what would i do without you?
16 weeks.
What?! You can't end on "I'm bursting with news!" What the h?
ahhh!!! so fabulous. never thought a little black and white could be so facinating.
i think we should start a pool; i'm betting on a baby boy hills.
that baby is the MOST BEAUTIFULLY PRECIOUS, CUTEST, ADORABLE baby in the whole universe!!!
HOORAY! thank you so much for sharing!!!!!
Hoooooooray! What a cutie, right? ;) He/she (leaning towards he!) is totally waving in the first picture, and that makes me happy. Baby Hills makes his first blog premier! This is momentous, really.
He/she is going to be a cutie! Thanks for sharing the ultrasounds pictures with us.
aww. i am so glad you shared. i already love him/her! i can't wait to pat that belly next month in person!
I am so glad to see pictures! I will love your baby even if he/ she comes out looking that alien like! I cannot wait for July!
it's a girl. ask karl. name her what you will, but i will call her melissa.
I'm not gonna lie, that kinda freaks me out too. I cannot believe you can see the baby so clearly and you are still barely showing! But I am glad to hear everything is okay! I'll make cutsie comments when the baby is outside of you :)
It's not really up for has already been concluded that it is a boy. I will bet anyone 1 billion dollars on it. Thank you and good day.....
those ultrasound pix scare the shit out of me. i'm sorry, but i didn't really look at it. i am trying to avoid nightmares about baby aliens tonight. but yay that the child is doing well and that the doc visit went well and all the rest. sorry about the puking, but i guess that comes with the territory, right? although i never did understand how babies are supposed to get the proper nutrients to grow if their mothers are constantly nauseated and throwing up... it just doesn't make sense. whatevs. so are we calling this child baby horan-hills or what?
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