
st. patty's day is just around the corner

i don't have a lot to say:
  • The Biggest Loser made me angry last night. Trainer Jillian tried to get all up in Allison Sweeney's face. DOESN'T SHE KNOW THAT IS SAMANTHA BRADY from Days of Our Lives. You don't want to make her angry!
  • Please send a warm welcome to our dear friend Ryan joining us in the blogorama. Here is his link. Add it to your google reader.
  • Also, our dear Karl is attempting the blogosphere with a new design over at 84boxes.com - it is fun! AND, if you don't click it because you hate me (or karl), READ THIS STORY. i know karl and i fall a bit extreme on the don't-use-medicine-eat-healthy-and-exercise-scale, (and getting further extreme every day!) but PLEASE. at least READ the AP article. it is interesting if nothing else. my soap box over. drugs aren't always the answer for every sniffle. our actions have consequences. (in more things than this i realize!)
  • st. pat's. that is all. break out the green and orange! team catholic and team protestant UNITE.
  • antm. tonight. it is going to be a good cycle. last week one model called another model 'big' (ahem, bigger) in her apple bottom jeans. hilarity and waist-measuring with one of those fabric-ey rulers ensued. i can't stand that show - it stands for so many things i hate - BUT I CAN't STOP WATCHING. Addiction.
  • basketball tourney for karls kids tonight.
  • um, i have a long list of things to do. going to get started NOW!
ready? go!

23 weeks, 5 days


Maria said...

I have been reading all week on the environmental and activism blogs about the drugs in water "stuff," and it freaks me out! We are losing all of our options. Grr... I do not take medicines unless I am about to die.

Oh, and don't forget to count all of the times babies and adults swim in lakes and pee... especially around OK and AR where a lot of the water supply demand is met through reservoirs. Nice thought, eh?

care said...

I used to work in wastewater treatment, if you didn't know. And yes, there are all sorts of drugs in our water.

what's interesting though is this--there are two problem a)we don't have a cost effective way to treat the water to remove the drugs (can't filter, UV and chlorine don't kill 'em) and b)it isn't regulated.

so honestly, though I agree that people often take medicine WAY too quickly (can I tell you the number of times I have declined an antibiotic when we "think" I might have an infection only to have the doc look at me like I'm a moron), you're never going to be able to stop it.

find a way to solve it the removal problem, or find a way to legislate that the medicines must be removed (and someone else will solve the removal problem) and all will be hunky dory. either of those will be easier than ridding the US over OTC and rx drugs, methinks.

also, another scary thing in our water: crypto and giardia. and poop particles. ew.

Leah Billings said...

Such an important issue! We really are digging ourselves into a hole with the overuse of antibiotics (as well as other drugs, but that's a whole other issue). I wish physicians would be a little more cautious/mindful when it comes to prescribing them becuase they are the ones who are (supposed to be) most educated on the matter. Patients don't always take an active role in their healthcare and therefore are likely to do whatever doctors tell them to do.

katandkarl said...

i agree with carrie. the removal problem is the more logical, we-can-be-proactive problem to solve (as opposed to changing the way americans think about drugs!) BUT IT STILL MAKES ME ANGRY!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Ok, not to change the subject to something far less meaningful but......
Don't you HATE it how they allllllllll read Tyra Mail together in a singsong voice?? Makes my skin crawl every time. ;)
Oh, yeah, antibiotics and all that. Ha ha. Love ya!

Susan said...

I left a comment for Karl. I started the "to vaccinate or not to vaccinate you babies" debate! I am very interested in different educated people's opinions on this matter. Setler got all the recommended shots, and let me tell you, there are A LOT. They mix some so there are less actual pricks, but still, lots of stuff going into his little body. Autism is the big fear. Jenny McCarthy started a big fight against innoculations, but I'm more afraid of measles, mumps, etc. They sound like what I call "Edgar Allen Poe" diseases from centuries ago, but hell, with immigration, kids are exposed it that crap still! Ok, this could go on forever....

Maria said...

Ooo... I have posted on vaccination... This is a hot topic for me after watching a CDC official say that they arbitrarily decide when is best based on "best guesses." http://mariawj.blogspot.com/search/label/Vaccination

I have done additional research since then, so I will try an updated post this week...if you are interested, stop on by!

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