more cabbage, much more cabbage

baby estimated weight = 3 pounds.
baby estimated length = 15 inches. (head to toe)
(stats are for the average THIRTY weeker. yea, that's me.)
what are you doing this GORGEOUS WEEKEND? karl's work has their "GO LIVE" this weekend which is much more lame than it sounds and really just means he has to work all weekend and/or be within ten minutes of a computer (like he wouldn't be.).
so i plan on walking a lot, resting, organizing, watching LOST, (ugh. we finally got ADDICTED. and the addiction is STRONG so please don't say anything. we just started S2.), finishing thank you cards from the shower, hanging with friends and family, trying not to spend money (that is a goal of every weekend but it never seems to work out that way).
SITTING seems to be increasingly uncomfortable these last few days (standing is much better) with the position of this child so if you need a mental image of me, picture me at work, at my desk, in a totally inappropriate for work old navy tank top (jeans and flips), standing at my keyboard, and typing this blog! really, my computer is at a good height for this whole stand-typing thing. maybe i will never sit again!
work is slow today so i am going to take advantage and work on my birth plan for a minute. cause, you know, i like to prep and plan... even if THE PLAN doesn't work out...i like to pretend i know what i am doing!
30 weeks!