click click click: 28 weeks or so w/ arlo
i must admit, i kind of love my basketball belly. it makes me laugh. i guess i fall in the category of "women who love being pregnant." (please don't say "JUST WAIT" if you have had babies or even if you haven't... every time i tell someone i feel good still, they seem to say "JUST WAIT" like it is going to TURN HORRIBLE any minute - i really believe some women make it through to the end loving being pregnant and i have convinced myself i will be one of them. (possibly and probably naively - i will be the first to admit! i'll let you know in a couple of months.) though the nail and hair and skin things - total myths for me. my skin is worse than a 15 year olds. especially on my arms. which is pretty sweet for summer. oh, and the recurring nose bleeds are a little annoying.
sorry to overinform you of my pregnancy news but it is a little hard for me to concentrate on anything else lately. i hope you don't mind! i had a doctors appointment today. i was all prepped to get my SHOT IN THE BOOTY. (rhogham for rh negative factor). Guess what? Um. I'm not negative. No shot necessary. Yea, they rewrote my blood type incorrectly on my new chart when i switched doctors. Um, have I mentioned I love doctors/western medicine model? On one hand, I am less mad at OB#1 - he didn't tell me b/c there was nothing to tell (and I am still glad we switched). On the other, HELLO. it makes sense why my mom was like "are you sure?" and I didn't know prior. Gaw. Was I wrong to trust them when they said I needed a shot? (Another reason everyone should have an advocate when they go to the hospital for any reason! There are some stats that say every patient who is checked in a hospital experiences at least one mistake throughout their stay. Don't know the validity of the stat, but I don't find it that hard to believe! )
Anyway, whatever, no shot. All "the usual" tests done - baby heartbeat in 140s, blood pressure on target, urine clear of protien (oh i know you needed to know that!), gained two pounds this visit (gained five last so kind of evening myself out), belly measured right on target (i love that they measure you with like a fabric tape measurey thingey; it seems so antiquated amid all that medical technology), doc said if he had to guess by feeling he would say baby is head down, so that is good. um, i meet with the two other doctors at the practice my next appointment (one more monthly visit and then i go bi-weekly, then weekly). so, overall doctor had nothing bad to say. in fact, he said he wished all his patients were as easy. i like to hear that!! don't you? he made me feel like i was doing everything right. which is good. so, to celebrate, i MAY HAVE had two coca-cola classics today. don't tell him. i promise to only drink water tomorrow. ;)
28 weeks, 4 days
Hooray for your (and the little one's) clean bill of health!
Your healthcare system talk reminds me of a documentary that you might find interesting (since you are with child and all) that I watched the other day: "The Business of Being Born." It was quite educational and provided an interesting perspective on our country's hospitals way of birthing babies.
Hope your good health (and good pregger vibes) continue in these last few months!
You sound like you're doing everything right. You look great, the Doctor loves ya, you're awesome.
P.S. I love hearing all the baby news, it's def. the most interesting thing I read all day.
Your photos are great!!
I liked being pregnant the whole time! I even miss my basketball belly sometimes now! I can be comforted that I'll have it again hopefully someday...not soon. They made a few mistakes while I was in the hospitol. Mainly the first night, the stupid nurse didn't hook my fluid iv up correctly and nothing was dripping in for like 6 hours. Therefore, I couldn't have the epidural when they started the petocin which is absolutely necessary in my opinion! However, I'd rather go hospitol then at home just in case there's complications, you're there!
You're doing a great job, mama Kat! So glad to hear things are going smoooooothly. I hope I'm that lucky (not any time real soon, ha ha)!
I felt good during my pregnancy until the last bit too. If I hadn't been 2 weeks late, I'd say I was cool with being pregnant the entire time. LOL! My problem was the waiting towards the end. Mostly-- I just wanted to meet the little man!
You look great, btw! :)
looking good! great to see the real in-person deal the other day...i'll keep the stuff a coming!
G.O.D. you're so fucking cute pregnant. sorry for the language, especially if your parents read this. ...or someday little ono.
you make it sound so fun and easy... i'm glad pregnancy is being good to you. and the photos are ALWAYS adorable.
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