warning: shield your eyes if pregnant women freak you out

here you go!
week 34 is a cantaloupe. i think it could fit in there don't you? ;)
i have no news, really, we have been painting and taking it EASY this holiday weekend. it is nice. i feel like i MIGHT be recovered from the excitement of the past month. time to relax and sleep as much as possible in the HOME STRETCH, right? (seriously, how do women with kids DO pregnancy?!?)
(i know, my belly button looks ca-razy, right? it better go back in. i read somewhere some people's don't! ha! innies turned outies. surely there is some sort of secret society for that. and my "line" is all crooked letter. oh, and i am STILL lopsided which makes for some fun rib pain - guess the doctor was right about that one!)
still getting told i look 'small' by eighteen hundred people a day. mostly strangers who have no idea what i look like non-pregnant. at this point, i just roll my eyes. let me assure you that 25 pounds or so later, i do not feel SMALL in any way, shape, or form. i can't really exercise anymore... just walking... so i think that makes me feel bigger than any actual poundage ever could, you know? ah, well, whatever, it will go away! (you know one plus of pregnancy weight gain - NO BACK FAT! HA! ever. cause it all goes forward! hahaha! TAKE THAT back fat. see you in a few months. haha.)
Doctor appointment in the A.M.
34 weeks, 3 days
All the back fat goes to the butt. At least it did in my case. You are getting close. :)
P.S. My innie went back in... kind of. It took it a while and continues to change.
Getting so close...you look beautiful.
i still can't wrap my head around the fact that you've been cooking a baby in there and it's about to come out!
Pregnancy is so cool! The human body amazes me. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
I'm rubbing the computer screen, but it's not the same. I need some belly rubbing action up close and in person!
I don't understand how you are able to keep your pants up :) and I think there is room for 2 cantaloupes in there. Pregnant bellies still kinda freak me out and so do in the womb baby hiccups. Hope you are still feeling good...stay out of the heat! Looking good.
Getting soooo close to the July 3rd bday! hahaaha! :) Seriously, kat, you look gorgeous. And thank GOD you're gettin that kid outta there before Arkansas August heat hits...
you do not freak me out! i like how your belly is kinda red and stuff. it proves how much is GOING ON IN THERE!!!!!! at what point did you start saying things like "pregnant women" when referring to yourself? i seem to remember at one point you wouldnt even pick out baby stuff! i think that counts as "nesting"!!!!
:) i love you sugar belly!
it kinda looks way uncomfortable!!!!! but you are cutie-pa-tootie, nonetheless. people must think you look small because they don't know you normally... and really maybe they mean that you look small, not your belly... you look great, the only thing that has changed is that belly!
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