what IS a jicama? seriously!?!

other than that, i haven't had many food issues while pregnant. i did go on that cookies and cream shake kick/binge - only from chic-fil-a - but that only lasted about three weeks... only odd for me b/c i rarely eat ice cream or chocolate. hmm. that sounds good right now. do you think i could pull 'the pregnant card' and make karl get me one? i so rarely use THE PREGNANT CARD! (i am saving it for the last month when getting off the couch might be more difficult!)
i had a bit of a break down last night. feeling simultaneously tired and restless. didn't sleep much last night. staring to feel a bit of 'the waiting game' beginning. it's just a strange time - there is still two months to go, i still feel great, but wonder if i should feel worse? SERIOUSLY. these are the things i am anxious about! being preggo KINDA consumes your brain no matter how fabulous you feel. (see the last few months of blog posting!). Work is WEIRD. plans about WORK AFTER BABY are weird. our company retreat is this week. usually i am excited about it but this year i feel anxious about leaving home/wanting to stay close to my husband (usually i feel fine leaving him for a few days, but i have been SUPER NEEDY with wanting him to be around lately. i have been weepy on and off. in the shower. watching the celtics game. reading a nice email from a client at work. realizing i put a doggie towel in with my delicates. fixing dinner. (you know, all normal times to burst into tears.) I also have been EXTREMELY unproductive in a number of things. also feeling a little bi-polar about upcoming doctor visits - i waver b/w wanting to go desperately RIGHT NOW and terrified something is going to be wrong (or not even go wrong, but they are going to tell me i am doing something drastically unhealthy and make me all nervous!). i think i MAY be having some contractions - who knows!? WHEN IS IT GOING TO START HURTING? (am i seriously asking for some pain? um, serious be-careful-what-you-wish-for moment happening here!!! RIGHT?) it's official. i have lost my mind.
and now you know more than you probably wanted to about my state of mind. thanks for reading! i AM fine... just having a somewhat EMOTIONAL WEEK. hope you don't mind me sharing.
31 weeks, 4 days (the jicama is week 32 fruit! not sure of my posting abilities for the rest of the week. btw week 31 was FOUR naval oranges. FOUR. that's about 3 and 1/2 pounds of oranges.)
no tear drops, boo. 27's going to treat you well. and in a week or so, you won't have to think about nasty mexican yuck yuck anymore. that baby's going to be the size of a VOLLEYBALL in a few days, right?
Hey Kat! First of all, you are so cute! I love all your pictures. Second, I am your source on anything food, beer or wine. A jicama (pronounced: hick-a-ma) is kind of watery with a hint of sweetness. It's crisp with crunchy texture. It's great sliced thin in a salad. It has a texture similar to pear but a little more watery. Think iceburg lettuce with a pear.
Sending you all love from the Mexican-Armenia mafia!
sorry you are having a rough week...here is some good news for you: i was having contractions with BOTH babies when i was admitted to the hospital (at 42 weeks with vivian\40 with bauer) and i didn't even know it. it didn't hurt a bit! just a little "tightening" of my belly, heck, and at that point everything was tight anyway!! hang in there...you can do this, and remember no one judges a pregers...so boohoo if you need to!!! ;)
Oh, I wish I could give you a hug. Your post is a flashback to my own life/feelings at that time in my pregnancy. Hang in there.
jicama was a life saver when i was on the no-carb diet. it is nice and crunchy and you just don't get much crunch on that diet.
i really have no one to compare you too, but you are about the healthiest person i know. every update you have told me from the doctor and the midwife lady has been all good news. you have nothing to worry about, but feel free to worry if you want. we are all here to listen.
you are doing great, don't let anybody scare you. You are healthy and doing everything right.
Lots of Love,
jicamas and aren't all bad. I liked it better when nora nate was cabbage though. just because that's a more fun food, methinks.
and please update the baby pool (or have karl) because I totally don't want you to go WEEKS after your due date!!!
deep breaths and warm fuzzies, k?
love you boo!
I remember being excited/terrified at each doc visit. I also "needed" Seth's presense as well. You're normal, well as normal as me anyhow.
You have a mid-wife?
jicama is actually pretty delish. they put it in salads a lot out here and i like it.
i'm pretty sure that the emotional stuff is totally normal for pregnancy. ;) hang in there.
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