
i must admit i am tired of being pregnant today

so i guess every pregnant lady gets to that point.

the point where they are done being pregnant.

i am there. at the moment. i am sure i will be over it later.

maybe it is today.

maybe it is the heat. (it's 95 here. we have been lucky to have a mild june this far though!)

maybe it is having to be at work.

maybe it is going to the doctor's every week by myself. (seriously, there is just no point in karl going. it takes forever and they don't do anything. i do love my doctor but i am kind of tired of his face. i don't want to see it again until i'm at the hospital.)

maybe it is the trace of protein they found in my urine (ew) that according to the doctor i am 'not supposed to worry about.' (to which i immediately googled. bad idea. ha!)

i am serving the baby an eviction notice. GET OUT. (or just stay in there; whatever)

(progress: 2 cm and 80% effacement but baby is still sitting 'pretty high'). (progress is good no matter how small - karl said if i was running a dilation marathon i would be five miles in! we were also laughing b/c it's not like the baby has FAR to go. i mean, what, inches to move down? it's kind of crazy that it can take so long to move on out!)

karl also ordered me a subscription to mlb.com (major league baseball DOT COM) so i can further my baseball obsession. when he called to check on something, they put him through to someone overseas who had no idea what or where arkansas was. AMERICA's PAST TIME PEOPLE. we both were entertained. and i am happily devouring more games online.

38 weeks, 4 days (i know, i know, still some time left)


the day's said...

hang in there...you are in the home stretch, i promise.

see, i feel you pain...that was my attempt at baseball humor. i don't do sports humor for just anyone! ;)

Sarah said...

it's almost here! i would be soo excited to hear the doctor or karl or whomever say, "it's a boy" or "it's a girl!!!"

and i need to know about the breasts and milk. curious. i don't expect you to blog about it though.

Maria said...

I'm sending you hugs. I remember the last weeks. They stunk. Horribly. I just wanted to meet the boy, and Kevin was totally no fun to try to speculate about what he would look like, be like, etc. Anyway... I'm sure you want to meet nora nate too. Hugs!

@sasspot-- I blog about breasts and milk. LOL! :)

Nanna said...

You are doing great. You'll be hitting that homerun soon!!! And yes, each pregnancy I got to the point you are at now. My Mr. Coy Matthew did the same thing, I was completely ready and he was going the wrong way I swear. You begin to think if I could just stand up the baby should fall out! I've so enjoyed your baby blogs! God Bless each of you and lots of hugs and love.

Maria said...

OH yeah. Wanted to also say that maybe noranate is backing up to make a run for the border, if you catch my drift. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and when the water breaks, s/he will be accelerating towards the exit! LOL! :)

Elizabeth Spann said...

That blog post was kinda adorable. ;)
I'm glad that Karl is being so sweet and giving you the gift of baseball. And that India thing is quite hilarious as well.
Love you guys! We're so proud!

Jax said...

I love you and Karl...and Noranate. :) I LOVE you guys! Cute cute..and STOP GOOGLING THINGS DAMNIT. I agree with sasspot that we want to know the details of things you think we dont want to know the details about.

July 3rd at 7:30 am is coming fast! hahahaha! I'm not going to give up...

Amy, David, Caroline, Corbin and Cohen said...

I feel the same way you do, but hey if it makes you feel any better, I have pretty much no progress. Baby Caroline is very low, my cervix is very high :) I have been 1 cm for the past two weeks and 25% effaced. I get so pumped before my appts, to find out that nothing has happened :(

care said...

I third the details!

and I liked it that you had a visual aid to convert centimeters into inches. I sure hope you have noranate friday or saturday-- ;)! We're all excited to know!

and you are now in single digit days--yowza!

Leah Billings said...

I agree. I think we all love the fact that you are willing to be candid about your experience. I know I'm totally curious because I plan on doing this one day myself (not anytime soon :)). Share on.

Jennifer said...

I love it. And as we discussed NoraNate was going to come the Sunday before last Sunday (first day of babypool guess and my guess of course) and then he was like "whoa not sure about this thing." So now he is just waiting until my next guess day. He loves his auntie jenny!

Andrea said...

I just goggled "tired of being pregnant" and low and behold, your blog entry! I am feeling the same way today at 38wks, 1 day. I'M DONE.

Andrea said...

Jesus. GOOGLED. As in two 'OO's....

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