
take that uncle sam

i punch you man.


brooke knight said...

hehehehehehehehehe. little firecracker indeed!

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

tooo cute!!!

Anonymous said...

He is the cutest little man I've ever seen. I mean, seriously... the cutest!

Maria said...

LOL! He is adorable!

Amy, David, Caroline, Corbin and Cohen said...

Nate is so precious!! Well, Caroline has the same outfit in her closet, but dang it she isn't here yet!!! I walked over three miles today!! I am so ready for her to come!!! Send labor my way :)

Megan said...

Nate is so PRETTY. Little baby boys can be pretty you know. I love his hair.

Sarah said...

that is one fire cracker that one burn you if you hold on to it too long.

melissa said...

his little scowl is pretty hilarious. happy due date, button. xoxo

Lauryl Lane said...

he already looks like he has a personality and he's only a week old. that is so FUN!

Stacia said...

I mean to tell you boys can be pretty...

care said...


also, like that he's a fishie in your counter--AND that it no longer says you're preggo. :)

Anonymous said...

Where did he get that blond hair?!? So cute!

Lauren R

Anonymous said...

Nate is adorable!