
another weekend past, another work week started.
i am happy that spring is here (to stay!) and that summer is to follow. i close my eyeballs and see nate in the park, nate in the pool, nate at the zoo, nate here and there and everywhere. karl and i walked to the Chic-Fil-A with Nate in the Bob Revolution. Best. Stroller. Ever. That makes two three mile plus walks in the past two days thankyouverymuch. Maybe one of these days I will take it up to a jog. Probably I should just sign up for a 5 or 10K. possible motivation, right?
i have decided on a theme for Nate's first birthday party... some of you know... maybe I mentioned it on the blog... i have no idea who i tell anything to anymore! anyway, theme thoughts: bookworms, bugs, and bumblebees. i am going for a park party with lots of little bugs... AND LOTS OF DELICIOUS DIRT CAKE...books only as gifts. yes, no, stupid? he just doesn't really NEED anything. and books are cheap and fun. what do you think?