Guest Blog Spot!
Greetings from the North Country! (seriously, we are in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin for a wedding) We did do this last night...Leinenkugel tour! (Do you guys have that down south?!?! Our tour guide claims they are in every state except Alaska. I am skeptical.) However, it is a DELISCIOUS microbrew made here in Chippewa Falls. Anyways, isn't this pretty much exactly what you pictured up North to be?! Because it is. Even our bar was a log cabin last night.
For those who don't know me, I'm Kat's sister Jenny. I wanted to write a post for 3 reasons.
a) Because they are too busy in NY to post and I know everyone is dying to see pictures!! (I'm sure there will be a HUNDRED more after these few that I leak)
b) On this, the week of their anniversary, I thought it would be nice if everyone left their thoughts of love and encouragement for Kat and Karl as a couple (maybe SANS Nate compliments..but then throw in a Nater-Tot compliment at the end. obvs.)
c) just to hack into kat's a/c without her knowing and doing anything I please. mwawawaw.
For anyone who was worried about NY and babies..have no fear. Sort of. The train ride was a success. That Nate completely conked out during. And the hotel was accomodating. Sort of. Check out ghetto crib!!!
And for the finale of all pictures (katie-don't shoot me for hijacking your best blog pic...)

Okay, now that I posted some spoiler pics.......I'll start with the extra special portion of the post!
Kat and Karl- On your fourth anniversary (four years?!?!) When you aren't giving Nate Tommy Boy face (kidding) you guys are super parents. Nate is the luckiest little guy out there because he could not have done any better. Not only that, but you guys are still a fantastic couple..still supportive of each other even in the most stressful times. So congrats on making it this far!! Many more years to come. Now for pretty pic.