boosh and double boosh (and not in the good way)
those of you that follow me on THE twitter already are aware, but Nate has a double ear infection (infections? one infection in each ear. whatever.) and pneumonia. Ask me how that even happens. I am BEWILDERED. and a little sad. and exhausted on many levels. and glad that i was extra cautious late last week with the playdates. (as in there weren't any!)
the worst part about it is my paranoia about keeping this kid hydrated. every time he is awake i am shoving some liquid or another in his face. pretty much we spent the entire day sleeping in our recliner. (well, Nate slept. i obsessively checked him for fever and/or other signs of illness. that is the worst part. even when he sleeps, i can't. i try!)
so, see i have MUCH sympathy for the sick after all!
oh i hope all is well....wishing you a good night's sleep and get well wishes....poor little thing!
Bless his little heart. Thinking of you guys and hoping the little bugger's up and eating chalk soon.
NATER BOOTS. poor little guy. :( let me know if you need anything. i'm no doctor, but i can bring a pizza or something. :) xo
Aww.... :( Sending thoughts, hugs and love to the Hills' house. XOXO!
It's so awful when the kids are sick!! My son has been in and out of the hospital since he was born but it doesn't get any easier!
Get well soon, Nate! Hugs from our house.
Peanut got a cold when she was two weeks old and I was terrified that she was going to get so congested that she'd be unable to breathe. Gotta love newparentitis.
oh my goodness! That's awful. Poor little Nate. Glad you went to the after hours clinic and hopefully got some good meds to start clearing that up. There will be more playdates in the future with a much healthier and happier and Nate and a more well rested mommy!
awww, poor little nate :( i hope he starts feeling better soon!
OMG! So sorry. I hate the debate...should we take him in or wait? We've had it a few times ourselves. Pnemonia...isn't that a winter illness?! Geez! Call me if you need anything.
Poor Guy!!! Hope he feels better soon (for your sake too). :-)
Love to the Nate. Let's hope since you were in your own state you will not have the same insurance problems you had with the spider bite incident. I was afraid you were going to injure someone at the insurance company over that one. Give him a big sloppy drooly kiss from maddox.
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