please forgive my funk
it always happens after several weekends away.
it creeps. and crawls. and makes me stop drinking water. and forces copious amounts of mac n cheese down my throat.
it's hard to see your long time, far away friends' and their new babies and bellies and realize you are only going to see them a handful of times a year. i tried desperately to love on all of them in the short time we were there. there are blogs and photos and emails but sometimes i think too much about what could be if all them behbeys were in one city. (i think it would make for some happy mamas!) but such is life and we are where we are and blah blah blabbity blah. i don't intend to move to tulsa or wherever they live and i doubt any of them would like to uproot to good ole A-R. sigh. LETS ALL MOVE TO, uh, MEXICO? CANADA? EUROPE? Piedmont, North Dakota?
we'd probably all kill one another within a week.
so while i am off drowning my sorrows with a nice, gnarly cab, i leave you with these completely unedited and crappy but totally hilarious images:

KISS KISS friends. yes, that is a mirror.
it creeps. and crawls. and makes me stop drinking water. and forces copious amounts of mac n cheese down my throat.
it's hard to see your long time, far away friends' and their new babies and bellies and realize you are only going to see them a handful of times a year. i tried desperately to love on all of them in the short time we were there. there are blogs and photos and emails but sometimes i think too much about what could be if all them behbeys were in one city. (i think it would make for some happy mamas!) but such is life and we are where we are and blah blah blabbity blah. i don't intend to move to tulsa or wherever they live and i doubt any of them would like to uproot to good ole A-R. sigh. LETS ALL MOVE TO, uh, MEXICO? CANADA? EUROPE? Piedmont, North Dakota?
we'd probably all kill one another within a week.
so while i am off drowning my sorrows with a nice, gnarly cab, i leave you with these completely unedited and crappy but totally hilarious images:
KISS KISS friends. yes, that is a mirror.
HAHA re: the mirror. I understand your funk. It is sad when you live far away from the people you love. But blogs DO help! ;-)
With Nate in blue, with the mirror, it makes me think of Vanity the Smurf.
i know what you mean. i get REAL melancholy on a lot of those sunday afternoons after seeing you loved ones.
i like nate's little foldey out chairey thing or whatever it is. looks cool.
awww.. I wub you, kat-tastic. :) XOXO. I get kinda bummy too and I dont even HAVE a baby. I love seeing ya'll. For real. It makes me feel normal. And reminds me I really have some great friends who I should see more. *sigh* And Nate with the mirror is awesomesauce. Period.
Dude, I hear you on missing friends. I'm just going to throw Germany out there as a relocation option. Any takers? :)
Today Kate "found" the baby in the mirror. It was love at first sight. Further proof that Nate & Kate are destined to be together.
Clearly this post was about me. Let's all move to the villa???
Nate's got good taste! (I wish you could see his lips pucker out in the picture)
This happens to me tbe days after I return to Raleigh from Tulsa, or when someone from Tulsa, visiting me, leaves.
I have a sick fantasy of starting a compound in Tulsa....
I'm here to do what I can to kick the funk. Another girls night with margarittas and beer perhaps?
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