
pu pu pu pumpkin

nash's mommy and nate's mommy (gag! shannon and i) took our boys to the pumpkin patch this friday. (seriously click on the link... nash in the overalls... running amongst the pumpkins... it makes me want to vom he's so cute!). The patch was a great success and, literally, SUPER FUN. nash and nate are fast friends and s & i also; we stand around giggling at the boys. for instance, nash thought all the pumpkins were "BALLS!" and nate thought all the pumpkins were "APPLES!" so they ran around screaming BALLAPPLPEAPPLEBALLBALLBALLAPPPLE for, oh, about two hours. it was pretty hilarious (and adorable. ahem, clearly.)
we tried to get their pictures in one of the MANY head-putter-inner picture thingeys (do they have a name?) but nate and nash just kept circling around and giggling and playing peekaboo and highfiveing... so it didn't so much happen. but look: NATE in an OWL. shocking, i know! (you better believe the word OWL in a part of his vocab.)
amongst the pumpkins (can you believe this was him last year?):

a true gq pose (bony hip out, shoulders back, gazing into the distance, hair in eyes, lips pouted out) (totally raising a metro):

and, cause it's cute:

my parents were in town for the rest of the weekend and we enjoyed some quiet time with them and nate (i made stew! we carved the pumpkin! we watched football! we raked leaves! we jumped in leaves!).

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