Requisite Post Turkey Day Pictures
This is what used to be the "kids" table (and maybe still is in the eyes of the "adults"). Now most of us have spouses and kids of our own.An attempt at a group shot:
the family patriarch, sleeping through the chaos:
the little females of the family love karl, particularly this one, wendy. i like to think she is thinking "stop looking at my man" while this shot was captured.However, on Friday night I started feeling crummy; must have caught something because I am unable to breathe out of my left nostril and have THE MOST ANNOYING COUGH EVER. I’ve been hopped up on Benydryl (it has the opposite effect on me; I get hyper!) since then. I was also super jealous of Karl’s night out with new baby Kelsey. I was too snotty and didn’t feel comfortable being around a newborn – I would never forgive myself if she got sickly. Plus, I woulda cut someone if they had come over sick to see Nate when he was that little… so, VERY SADLY, I stayed at home with my parents. LOOK HOW CUTE and WEETLE: