Alternate Title: The Click Away Movement
I don't often talk about the actual topic of 'The Blogging' in this space. Partly because I'm more of a do-er than a let's sit around and talk about it for hours type of person. (Read: I am a blogging MACHINE. Don't mess with me.) Partly because, in the five plus years I've had this particular space, I've seen a lot of trends and people and spaces come and go. But, mostly, because, frankly, I don't care what you blog about. I'm not interested in labeling myself or you and your words. In fact, if I don't care for it or I'm not interested in it, then I will probably do this little thing that I've entitled 'CLICK AWAY!' (We should start a movement, yes?) (And you must say it like the krill in Finding Nemo when they tell Dorie to 'SWIM AWAY!')
I have been wanting to get this thought off my chest. I know it is not a new thought/topic and that many before me and after me will write about it, but lately it's been under my skin. Mostly it stemmed from someone saying something along the lines of "I normally hate mommy bloggers but I like your blog."
The Label... gah. Why must we bring up The Label? I (try to) ignore it. In all honesty, it does not bother me (I enjoy being both mom and blogger and, undeniably, a mommy blogger) except (as in this situation) when it's used with such a clearly negative connotation.
Because what I am interested in out here in the big bad Internetland: getting to know you, reading about your life and building our own little corner of the internet. I don't want to come across your blog or your writing and think "mommy blogger" or "career blogger." I want to read your words and you think "Yes. Follow. I think I might like this person." (Or, in some cases, LOVE might be a more appropriate response and I can't subscribe fast enough.)
Use the word AUTHENTIC if you will. Take that word and then BE IT. Authentic might be a buzzword but I think it's a good one. We're building a community here on the Internetz - in a strange and new way. We choose to be involved in it. Don't misunderstand me: It's NOT a replacement for real life interaction but it's a place to get to know each other and real friendships can be formed.
So this is my call to be yourself in your own online space (even on the Book Face and the Tweeters) and to tell the friends and bloggers that take the time and energy to put themselves out there that it's lovely that they do so. Do we occasionally get boring or repetitive with our words? Why, yes, yes we do. Is our grammar always PERFECT? No, no it is not. (Mine especially.) But guess what? SOMETIMES I LIKE READING ABOUT THE MISSPELLED COLORS OF YOUR SNOT. Sometimes those little, boring and glaringly human details make me like blogging the most(est).