Boys Learn in Motion
These days when Nate sees the big ole camera making an appearance, he runs. Well, come to think of it, pretty much he just runs all the time so maybe it's not the camera. Either way, picture taking is not the easiest of tasks. Most of them end up like so:
THAT BOY IS A CLIMBER. Thus far, I have found him on chairs, tables, toilets, our hutch, our bed. I don't even understand how he SCALES these things. So far, he has not made it out of his crib. (Though now that I have blogged it, it will without a doubt, 100% happen within the week.)
Or, if I can catch him in my lap for a brief moment, i get faces like this (from the both of us - YIKES.):
Sometimes, I can catch him on my phone. Like when his hands are full of paint.
Sometimes I can catch him prior to bed. Though his blurry legs are still moving even in this shot.
We were at the library for story hour a few weeks ago and there were three little boys and three little girls (all around N's age.). All the little girls were sitting pretty prim and proper on their mama's laps listening to the story. All the boys were running around, touching the book and running in circles (and into each other.) The librarian mentioned (casually) that it was okay for them to run around because children, PARTICULARLY BOYS (she said as she glanced around the room), learn in motion.
Oh, yes, trust me Ms. Rhonda, we know all about motion. Nate is in MOTION all day every day. Even in sleep he is a tosser.
That's all I really got today.
It's been a busy and slow and restful and exhausting week and I have loved (almost) every minute of it. (Cause there was that one minute I had to clean poop out of the bathtub. I didn't love that minute.)
Or, if I can catch him in my lap for a brief moment, i get faces like this (from the both of us - YIKES.):

Oh, yes, trust me Ms. Rhonda, we know all about motion. Nate is in MOTION all day every day. Even in sleep he is a tosser.
That's all I really got today.
It's been a busy and slow and restful and exhausting week and I have loved (almost) every minute of it. (Cause there was that one minute I had to clean poop out of the bathtub. I didn't love that minute.)
dude sometimes little people crap in the tub. that's life, yes? :)
nate is my favorite mover and shaker. the tougher the chase, the sweeter the catch.
i cannot imagine.... it makes me tired just looking at these pictures. how on earth do you keep up with him? you're obviously a super-mama. ;-)
Ahh... the wonders of boys. A friend has a girl TB's age. She always sat and listened to books...even around the age of one. way. Not happening. Le sigh. He has but two speeds, and I imagine Nate has the same two speeds-- going and stopped. Ha ha! OTH, chasing TB keeps me a little closer to fit. :)
He was going non-stop today (full of energy)! They are a lot of fun though. Just a handful and they almost give you a heart attack at times but you gotta love it!
I've got one of those boys that learns in motion! And he only has 2 speeds....going wild and asleep. There is no in between for him. He keeps me on my toes! And it's all the more interesting to attempt to keep up with him in my current condition....big belly, sore back, etc. But he's worth every if I could just work in a nap everyday that he takes one!
is it sad that i am happy you too, had to deal with poop this week?
hahaha.. Awww.. Nater tot in perpetual motion... My camera crazy self might lose my shit with that...admittedly. I picture some of the "SITSTILLMOMMYNEEDSAPHOTO!" yelled...with a smile... hahaha..
LOVED this post. Ella is one of the girls sitting primly. Kate will be soon. Bless your little boy and his active self...and his poop. :)
Ohhhh boy. I'm in for it, huh? No, seriously, it'll be all grand, just exhausting and funny.
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