The Offenders

I bought him the shoes pictured above and made the HEINOUS mistake of putting them on his feet. (God forbid.)
He cried the whole time I put them on and flailed around trying to kick them off. We finally got them on his feet and he absolutely refused to walk in them. He held on to one of my hands and one of Karl's and stumbled between us, literally tiptoeing/awkward walking to the car, gingerly putting weight of them, crying the whole time. We strapped him in his car seat (for his panera favorite treat - pumpkin muffies!) where he dried his eyes, waved at his feet and said "bye bye shoes" over and over again. (in a very sad, quiet little voice.)
We had to carry him into the restaurant and he didn't move once seated.
Yep, I'm thinking these are his restaurant shoes.
That happened with ms. Bill when we tried rainboots. She army crawled and screamed until we took them off!
HAHA! Oh boy, I am not sure I am fully prepared for the irrational quirks of children. :P
Awesome!! When we took my oldest to buy shoes as a toddler, he cried so loud others were concerned that we might also be cutting his feet off. I wish that I had known to try a restaurant afterwards!
ha ha ha! he IS so dramatic. he must get that from karl, 'cause you still have all yours. ;)
poor guy...but I did have to laugh~
We SO need restaurant shoes! Set would have just kicked them off and ran barefoot though.
That is a great story for the baby book. I hope you wrote/printed that out for him. Tell it when he brings his first girlfriend over. lol.
Restaurant shoes!!! Brilliant. Making a mental note for the future. PS> Obviously they look like instruments of torture for a little boy's feet. ??? Personally, sandals feel almost like bare feet to me. I don't get it.
my nate is very much the same way. this is the first year (he's 4) i've gotten him to wear sandals since he was a baby. it just wasn't worth the screams and tears. he still asks if we can take "normal" shoes along with us if we try to go somewhere wearing the sandals though. the restaurant shoes idea is brilliant though!!! :)
awww, they look so suede-y and innocent!
bahahaha! Awww.. poor guy. I was in Target today and browsing the shoes (b/c if you go to Target and dont browse shoes at least most of the time, there's something wrong), and a kid goes "I dont LIKE these" (he mustve been about 5). His dad said "why?" the kid said "I'm not used to them yet and they're clean." hahahahahaha.. Awesome.
i had that experience with some adorable size 5 wellies. aislinn was convinced that they were instruments of torture. but the second time i tried them on a her a few weeks later she was FINE - go figure.
the "bye bye shoes" is my favorite part. that kid is magical.
That was so cute. I'm cracking up!
I found you on Arkansas Women Bloggers.
Tears are streaming down my face because that is how hard I laughed at this! "bye bye shoes" :( poor thing!
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