dum dee do: waiting
Now I feel a bit as if I'm waiting.
Waiting waiting waiting.
Dum dee do...

I feel like maybe I felt this way last time in early pregnancy? Though last time it was my own secret wait and this time it's all out there!
I did call my midwife and there is good news on that front but I won't see her until 10 weeks...which sort of feels like a long time but is only one week later than I saw my OB the first time with Nate. So, for now, I'm just guzzling water, taking vitamins and exercising like normal (with a heart monitor). I dropped coffee and my caffeinated breakfast shake. I've splurged a few times and had a coke or two (Get Crazy). I'm forcing myself to sleep a ton and eat a little protein every three or four hours to ward off any nauseousness. We'll see if it works.
Have some cute pictures to post shortly AND I will be posting the participants in the Virtual 5K!
In the meantime, pick a boog for me in solidarity?
Waiting waiting waiting.
Dum dee do...
I feel like maybe I felt this way last time in early pregnancy? Though last time it was my own secret wait and this time it's all out there!
I did call my midwife and there is good news on that front but I won't see her until 10 weeks...which sort of feels like a long time but is only one week later than I saw my OB the first time with Nate. So, for now, I'm just guzzling water, taking vitamins and exercising like normal (with a heart monitor). I dropped coffee and my caffeinated breakfast shake. I've splurged a few times and had a coke or two (Get Crazy). I'm forcing myself to sleep a ton and eat a little protein every three or four hours to ward off any nauseousness. We'll see if it works.
Have some cute pictures to post shortly AND I will be posting the participants in the Virtual 5K!
In the meantime, pick a boog for me in solidarity?
trying to have patience sucks a big boog. glad you're doing well, though. sending good vibes your way...
he is so very concentrated on getting whatever is in there OUT. single-minded, task-oriented. i dig it. (HA. dig it.)
love you, preggo.
do flinstone vitamins count?
Mere seconds after I clicked on this post, Ella said, "Mommy. There was something in my nose. I wiped it on the couch." I guess it's better than eating them...
Good luck with the nausea and caffeine headaches. :)
I haven't been on blogger as much lately and just saw your pregnancy post! Congratulations!!!!!!
Setler picks his nose like a champ! He says, "Momma, I got booglers!" I just offer up a tissue.
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