there was SO MUCH laughter.
Yes. Our college group is a bit like that. Only no one taped anyone's 'buns' together or got burned by their old man with a cigarette for spilling paint in the garage. (That I am aware.)
(Edited to add: In reviewing this, I think this analogy makes ZERO sense but I'm so happy with the 'taping the buns' reference that I'm not deleting it!)
Anyway THE POINT IS: Mike, the owner of the adorable bed and breakfast we stayed in made a comment in passing about how it was so wonderful that we all stayed friends even though our career paths couldn't be more different! And that, my friends, is true! Among the eight women there, I believe we had a doctor, a lawyer, sales person, elementary teacher, artist and administrator, production manager, internet geek, and a CFO! I find our different paths quite fun.
And you know what else? THESE GIRLS ARE FUN. And I loved having the weekend with them. And I love my husband for taking care of things (Nate) at home so I could do this.
And you know what else? BRANSON. is. ridiculous.
Hello. Welcome to Branson.

Here was the view from our back decks:

It might have been the wine. Though I think most of us are LOUD in nature without the help of alcohol.

Photos courtesy of my iPhone and Jackie, whose post about our trip is WAY better than mine.