We're on the verge of change (next week) but right now (at this very moment while I type this) it feels like we're stuck in the house. Mostly because Nate has croup again and is just getting past the contagious part so we are stuck in the house watching Dora and Diego (kill me now) and trying not to out-whine one another (I'm mature like that.).
In the past few days, we've had a trip to Urgent Care and the pediatrician office, which, let me assure you, NATE LOVES and is not AT ALL traumatized by. She (the pedi) gave us a referral to an ENT since he's had The Croup twice in the last 6 months. (And his only other doctor-related illnesses were respiratory as well.) She said the ENT appointment is more of a precaution and she doesn't expect them to find anything and he will probably outgrow this, but she wants to make sure there are no blockages in his little ears, nose, or throat and that his airways are not in any way obstructed. ITS FINE, right? RIGHT.
ANYWAY you don't want to hear about all that. The point is we are stuck at home this week and weekend (and Karl will be out of town all weekend so CALL ME IF YOU ARE CLOSE BY SO I DON'T GO CRAZY!), but next week.... oh... next week I'm already feeling the apprehension (and, admittedly, the excitement) because change is in the air.
Next week (barring further illnesses or ailments) Nate goes to school two days a week and I go to work two days a week. (At my old workhome. I'm covering for a girl on my former ad team for 12 weeks while she has a baby and maternity leave of her own.) After more than a year of retirement, I'm pretty pumped and I love that it's a familiar place with some familiar faces.) Nate is going to school through the same program he did Mother's Day Out so I'm feeling comfortable with that.
Now to scour my closet. Do I even own suitable work attire anymore?
In parting, I leave you with this creepy Diego getup (Maybe I can wear this my first day back?):

(Photo Source.)
HAHAHAH! Yes, please wear that on your first day back! That will be so fun to be back at the old jobbidy! :) Love it! Working in a more business and less casual environment now has made me realize a necklace and/or a scarf an TRANSFORM an outfit in terms of creating a TON more options a lot cheaper than buying more shirts and pants. (I accidentally just wrote "shits" instead of shirts and corrected it.but had to mention. awesome). XOXO!
UGH. so sorry the baby is sick. :( and sooooo excited for your new work schedule! hooray hooray! good luck, loverbug, and i wish i was around this weekend to out-whine the both of you. :) xox
Good luck back in the work place. Me you & Denise should do lunch one day :)
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