time for a nate update, yes?
I haven't done a Nate-centric post in a while which is, well, sad for YOU because this kid is hilarious. It does seem like the older he gets, the less I want to blog some things about his life. Clearly, I don't blog EVERYTHING EVER but I can definitely see the fine line getting clearer.... privacy, discipline issues, growing pains and the like aren't in my personal plans to share many of the details. (At least at the moment. Or until I need your help or advice.)

Most of you who have been around Nate know that the child DOES NOT STOP talking. His imagination is going full tilt and we often converse about turkey pirates, walking the plank, algae eaters that eat storm clouds, Nate's insistence that he is, in fact, Cinderella, power outages that require HOT CANDLES! (say it with EXPRESSION!). We are often chased by dinosaurs at the park and hide from camels under the covers. He loves to be outside and pretend to grocery shop - bringing me grapes and apples oddly shaped like weeds and blades of grass. Today he told me he was a 'monster truck lion' and he was going to ROAR to the grocery store. Yesterday he wanted to look under the couch and came up in tears because he thought a rogue sock was a mouse. This morning he called me both "Kat" and "Babe" in complete seriousness. (As in: "Hey, babe, where's Daddy? and when I didn't respond then, "Hey, Kat, where's Daddy?)
Despite being terrified of sock mouses, he LOVES the thunder and lightning right now - which I will forever be grateful for as we have spent NUMEROUS nights in our teensy bathroom and hallway because of tornadoes and storms that have recently ravaged the South.
He continues to have a strong Daddy-preference. Which, in all honesty, can be hurtful at times since I spend the majority of my free time with him (which, I realize is part of WHY.) But, in all honestly, it mostly is a relief and a happy thing. Karl is an involved kinda dad
And plus he buys him shit like this: