we've made it to day 27
Day 27 =
- Sister birthday - she's inching toward 30.
- Cancelled soccer practice b/c of standing water on the fields; the cold wind was enough for me to want to cancel (though I don't think I can say that out loud as the coach, right? My four and five year old players must be HARD CORE and never cry on the field, right? Riiiiiight.)
- Kindergarten tour (ew)
- Preperation for NK's combo 15/18 month doc appointment & vaccinations since I completely forgot the 15 month appointment. Oops.
- A call from school b/c Karl forgot to Sharpie label Nora's string cheese stick. (Really when the phone rings with school's number a STRING CHEESE LABELING is not the first thing I think is happening!)
- A failed website target date for a client at work (Mostly my fault-ish?)
- An evening event at work tomorrow AND I have NOTHING to wear. I feel a little end of February shopping spree coming on tomorrow morning! Suggestions? PIKO?!?!?
Posted by
6:42 PM
we've made it to (highly embarrassing!) day 20
Day 20 was not without its moments of peril.
Like when I picked the kids up today (after driving in the oh so lovely sleet) and was trying to get both of them and all their bags, coats, hats and lunchboxes out of their respective classrooms (we have a routine - I get Nora first and she and I walk across the hall to Nate's classroom to collect him) and Nate's preschool teacher said to me, "You're leaking" and, unthinking, I put a hand to my, uh, boobal area and awkwardly stared at my own chest for waaaaay too long before I realized she CLEARLY was talking about Nora's school bag, which was, in fact, leaking water from one of her sippy cups through the bag and onto the floor and NOT (so, so not) my boobs, which don't even produce milk anymore. Thankfully, we both looked at each other and burst into laughter. Then, I turned about 8 shades of red and almost died of embarrassment. Then we laughed some more. (We laughed so loud Nate grabbed my arm and loudly whispered "BE QUIET MOMMY!" like a little angsty teenager.) I think my face might be flushing right now as I tell you... followed by some more (only slightly deranged) laughter and maybe some more blushing. Clearly, more sleep is needed. JAYSUS.
Posted by
6:53 PM
Labels: mommylore
we have made it to day 19
For this week's Get Out of February Free activity we made mud pies. My child, who for the most part doesn't mind getting dirty, OBJECTED to touching the dirt (we had to water it to make mud). I insisted he do so and provided him with some latex gloves (which we somehow have a whole box of - either from Nora's birth or from an emergency grocery store trip after the last time I got jalapeno juice in my eye... I can't remember).
Anyway, all systems GO. MUD PIES!!
We dropped the gloves after a while:
So some one else had to try them out...
Together, busy at work...
The activity didn't last QUITE as long as I had hoped. HOWEVER we then spent the next hour filling latex gloves with water, tying them up like balloons and throwing them at things to make them burst. Now THAT was good times.
We are getting close, friends! (To the end of February!)
Posted by
7:01 PM
we have made it to day ten
New, fun profile pic.
It was really FREAKING cold that day.
(Thanks, as always, to the lovely and talented Christen Byrd for the photos.)
Photo for a little project Amanda and I have been working on (in our spare time!). We are working on getting, like, words and photos on this site by March 1. HOLD YOUR BREATH PEOPLE. We have four kids, two husbands, three pets and four part time jobs (and some volunteer work here and there) between us.
This is Amanda. She's nice.
We spend a lot of time saying (and emailing and texting), "We should do this! NO! We should do THIS!"
You can totally tell we are freezing our asses off, right?
Karl also has a little project he has been working on as well. You might notice they are related; we have a lot of cross-over consulting going on over here. You know, again, in our spare time. It's like, "Hey, can you change the baby's diaper? And, also do you like this image? Can you help me write a product blurb/edit this image/build a launchpage/create a Facebook post? Oh, and don't forget to pick up Nate at 4:30 from your mom."
(We will, uh, sleep when we're dead, yeah?)
We have no idea what we are doing but it is FUN.
Posted by
9:08 PM
we've made it to day six
So, it's six days into the dreaded month of February and we're all ALIVE AND WELL.
Day 1 started with a funeral (a sweet neighbor) so that wasn't so good.
But, since then, we've all been healthy (it's a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE...
one month later) and (relatively?) happy!
We even did some grooming! (When you spend two weeks in pajama pants with small people coughing and sneezing all over you, grooming takes a back seat. You should see my eyebrows. They are still not recovered.)
Nate's hair was OUT OF CONTROL in his eyes so we took him to get a cut and the stylist (do they get that title at the kiddo salon?) convinced us to get NK's mull trimmed as well. We opted OUT of the first haircut package that comes with a commemorative lock of hair (I find this creepy). For the record, I have trimmed the back of her hair a few times but this was her first official cut - complete with clips and a blow dry. Fancy, right?
Let the H2T (head to toe) posing commence:
Moving right along....
Posted by
8:25 PM
Labels: first haircut