last week vs this week :: there better be less vomit
So I was just THINKING about how we had been on a good, solid run of neither of the kids being sick - no snot to wipe, no school to miss... for the last two, almost three months. I didn't even SAY IT OUT LOUD but (apparently) just thinking it was enough for the universe to put a swift and violent (violent vomiting end anyway) end to our well streak.
Monday, I kept a snotty Nora home with me. Tuesday, Natey went down in the middle of the night with a small (and by small I mean VOMIT EVERYWHERE!) episode and then it was one soldier after another until I was the last (wo)man standing. (Well, mostly kneeling, cleaning up throw up! HA!)
Somehow I managed not to get sick, but, here is the thing when you are a working parent (please believe I barely worked this past week), you have to come up with creative solutions to get any work done at all whilst home with two small people and a man-sick man (who was also trying to launch his biggest project of the year in the same week).
Here are some hilarious moments from my sad attempt at being a productive employee:
- Karl: I think Nora is awake. I don't want to wake Nate by moving.
- Kat: Okay.
- Karl: I can hear her.
- Kat: I can not.
- Kat: I am at Verizon.
- Karl: Oh yea.
Thankfully, this week was an excellent week to be sick because, next week, my friends, we are all FAMILY VACATION! Wish us luck and don't run the other way screaming from my children if you are on Flight 836 from Little Rock to THE BEACH.
Photos to follow.