I am going to preface this post by saying it is NOT (technically) about potty training.
(Though I will say that NK, at 23 months, is showing some serious interest and I am doing some serious gentle encouraging. Down with diapers!)
(And, also, I realize I post an inordinate amount of posts about bathrooms and I'm semi-sorry.)
Anyway, this post IS about this ridiculous pink princess potty that I bought for No. I also bought her several seats that fit on a real toilet (which is my preference; I sort of find the little stand alone seats revolting, but, you know, whatever works.) Anyway, this one is super fancy and was the only one available at Target. It is supposed to play celebratory music when you pee in it. It's all dot-dot-dot-DOOO! YAY!!!
Somewhere along the way our pretty pink potty malfunctioned and now plays that the celebratory music at all hours of the day and night. Now, the logical thing to do in this situation would be to remove the battery, right? But what, I ask you, is the fun in THAT?
Brush your teeth? Do-do-dot-DOOO! YAY!!!
Showering? Do-do-dot-DOOO! YAY!!!
Walking down the hall? Do-do-dot-YAY!!!
2 a.m. alarm clock? Do-do-dot-YAY!
(Ok, that 2 a.m. one isn't quite as funny.)